Composition and properties of saliva in the mechanisms of dental caries development during the adaptation of school-age children of the indigenous and immigrant population in the Far North


Zyryanov B. N.1ORCID


1. Medical Center "Denta-Smak"


Aim. To study the composition and properties of saliva in the mechanisms of dental caries development in school-age children of indigenous and immigrant population during adaptation to the Far North.Materials and methods. The prevalence and intensity of dental caries were determined in 315 school-age children of the indigenous and immigrant population of the Far North, and the content of ionized calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, their coefficients, the rate of saliva secretion, the amount of its sediment, and the hydrogen index were studied in saliva. A total of 630 clinical and 3780 laboratory parameters were obtained.Results. A violation of the composition and properties of saliva in immigrant children of the Arctic who have been living in this region for a long time has been revealed. This disorder contributes to the growth of dental caries in alien school-age children.Conclusions. The composition and properties of saliva in the process of adaptation of alien children to the conditions of the Arctic play an important role in the mechanisms of dental caries development.


Khabadze ZS


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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