1. The Public Knowledge Project (PKP), a multi-university research initiative founded in 1998, has developed software with broad impact to support open access peer-reviewed publishing. Journals relying on PKP’s Open Journal Systems (OJS) proliferated by the late aughts of the twenty-first century. OJS now supports more than 9000 journals annually, by PKP’s estimate (https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/ojs-usage/), making it the most widely used open access journal publishing system in the world. In addition, PKP’s Open Monograph Press (2013) offers editorial workflows for and publication of long-form, open access, peer-reviewed works. See The Public Knowledge Project, Stanford University and Simon Fraser University Library, https://pkp.sfu.ca/.
2. See Fulcrum, University of Michigan Library, https://www.fulcrum.org/.