Presynaptic quantal size enhancement counteracts post‐tetanic release depression


Nair Anu G.12ORCID,Bollmohr Nasrin134ORCID,Schökle Levin1ORCID,Keim Jennifer1,Melero José María Mateos5ORCID,Müller Martin134ORCID


1. Department of Molecular Life Sciences University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland

2. Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden

3. Neuroscience Center Zurich University of Zurich/ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland

4. University Research Priority Program (URPP) Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning (AdaBD) University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland

5. Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland


AbstractRepetitive synaptic stimulation can induce different forms of synaptic plasticity but may also limit the robustness of synaptic transmission by exhausting key resources. Little is known about how synaptic transmission is stabilized after high‐frequency stimulation. In the present study, we observed that tetanic stimulation of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) decreases quantal content, release‐ready vesicle pool size and synaptic vesicle density for minutes after stimulation. This was accompanied by a pronounced increase in quantal size. Interestingly, action potential‐evoked synaptic transmission remained largely unchanged. EPSC amplitude fluctuation analysis confirmed the post‐tetanic increase in quantal size and the decrease in quantal content, suggesting that the quantal size increase counteracts release depression to maintain evoked transmission. The magnitude of the post‐tetanic quantal size increase and release depression correlated with stimulation frequency and duration, indicating activity‐dependent stabilization of synaptic transmission. The post‐tetanic quantal size increase persisted after genetic ablation of the glutamate receptor subunits GluRIIA or GluRIIB, and glutamate receptor calcium permeability, as well as blockade of postsynaptic calcium channels. By contrast, it was strongly attenuated by pharmacological or presynaptic genetic perturbation of the GTPase dynamin. Similar observations were made after inhibition of the H+‐ATPase, suggesting that the quantal size increase is presynaptically driven. Additionally, dynamin and H+‐ATPase perturbation resulted in a post‐tetanic decrease in evoked amplitudes. Finally, we observed an increase in synaptic vesicle diameter after tetanic stimulation. Thus, a presynaptically‐driven quantal size increase, likely mediated by larger synaptic vesicles, counterbalances post‐tetanic release depression, thereby conferring robustness to synaptic transmission on the minute time scale. imageKey points Many synapses transmit robustly after sustained activity despite the limitation of key resources, such as release‐ready synaptic vesicles. We report robust synaptic transmission after sustained high‐frequency stimulation of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction despite a reduction in release‐ready vesicle number. An increased postsynaptic response to individual vesicles, likely driven by an increase in vesicle size due to endocytosis defects, stabilizes synaptic efficacy for minutes after sustained activity. Our study provides novel insights into the mechanisms governing synaptic stability after sustained neural activity.











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