,Poloz O.Yu.,Kushchenko S.M.,Lipitsky S.G.
Progress in protecting the equipment of mining and beneficiation enterprises, hydrotechnical structures from hydroabrasive wear is associated with the use and analysis of wear-resistant materials based on various polymer matrices: epoxy resins, polyurethanes, polyureas, and elastomers. The purpose of this study is a test and operational comparative assessment of hydroabrasive wear of up-to-date wear-resistant materials of domestic and foreign production under the action of the flow of solid particles of transported materials in the pulp. The dependence of hydroabrasive wear of wear-resistant materials on their polymer base was established, and it was shown that, taking into account the functionality of the application, the amount of wear during test trials and the performance of the finished products (sand nozzles of the HCC-710 hydrocyclone at the second stage of iron ore classification at the PJSC "Northern Mining and Processing Plant" (Kryvyi Rih)), epoxy composites are preferred. The influence of dispersion, hardness and shape features of hydroabrasive pulp particles on the wear of the best epoxy composites were clarified. It was shown that wear of epoxy composites obeys a linear time dependences in the initial stage of action of the pulp of different composition. A comparative evaluation hydroabrasive wear of the developed epoxy composite with multidisperse silicon carbide was carried out with the best foreign analogues (Belzona 1811, Great Britain, and Loctite 7219, Germany), and it was established that the developed composite is not inferior to them in this respect, being an order of magnitude lower cost.
SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
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