Academic Research Publications as a University Strategy from the Comparative Jurisprudence perspective: Édouard Lambert’s Viewpoint


Carlos M. H.1


1. University Cergy-Pontoise


Édouard Lambert entered the global jurisprudence history as one of the founders of the European comparative tradition. The Institute of Comparative Law founded by him in 1920 became the first academic center for the aforementioned branch in Europe. Lambert’s professional activity was, among other things, connected with the formation of the young Soviet state.This article deals with Lambert’s view point with respect to one of the key strategies of university development: the strategy of academic research publications. In this regard, Lambert acts not only as a publisher, but also as a mastermind, a pioneer of the publishing projects in question. In addition to the historical and legal aspects, this study also has methodological potential. A look at Lambert’s creative heritage allows observing the direct correspondence between the history of publishing and the history of legal thought.Nowadays, when the publications by researchers or academic professionals are often considered in the quantitative rather than qualitative light (for no good reason), it is important to look back at the origins of the comparative thought in order to enrich the newest tradition of law with all the very best that comparative jurisprudence, as a vector for legal science development, gave the legal world.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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