Problems of Legislative Regulation of a Postgraduate Student (Postgraduate in a Military College) Legal Status at a New Stage of the Russian Education System Reformation


Kulakov N. A.1


1. Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


The lack of its own independent concept of education amid the aggravation of the geopolitical situation and withdrawal from the Bologna process is one of the main threats to Russia’s national security. The author attempts to objectively assess the current state of legal regulation in the field of higher education. The paper characterizes the changes in the parameters of standardization in education in the context of domestic reforms due to the entry into the Bologna process. The author argues that legislative innovations at this historical stage determined a number of systemic problems of public administration in the field of education, one of which is related to the place of training highly qualified academic personnel. The conducted research allowed us to formulate a number of proposals for improving legislation. Firstly, the training of scientific and academic personnel should be allocated to an independent level of postgraduate education. Secondly, defining the specifics of postgraduate education, it is necessary to consolidate that the legal status of students in higher education training programs is determined, along with the legislation on education, also by the legislation on scientific activity. A postgraduate student should be equated with a researcher in the sense of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 127-FZ dated 23.08.1996 «On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy».


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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