Administrative Law Forms and Methods of Corruption Prevention in Public Administration in the Mechanism of Ensuring Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens of the Russian Federation


Antonyan E. A.1,Migachev Yu. I.1,Polyakov M. M.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The study is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the content and features of the currently existing administrative law forms and methods used to prevent corruption in public administration of the Russian Federation. The authors draw attention to the high level of public danger of corruption and its manifestations. It is emphasized that corruption is one of the main threats to Russia’s national security. The paper describes the main universal legal and doctrinal approaches to corruption prevention and corruption manifestations in public administration bodies at federal, regional and municipal levels of government. The authors have revealed the main causes of corruption in public administration; their detailed classification is given. The paper also considers the main directions of the state anti-corruption policy of the Russian Federation in public administration bodies. Attention is focused on the participation of civil society institutions in the implementation of certain areas of anti-corruption. The paper presents the authors’ proposals for improving legal foundations of the currently existing domestic system of anti-corruption forms and methods aimed at preventing and minimizing corruption manifestations. The paper analyzes types, content, and features of their application in public administration activities.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University



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