Education of determination of pupils and student youth in the process of sports and health activities


Masol V.V.,Linnik A.M.


The article reveals the content of education of purposefulness of schoolchildren and student youth in the process of sports and recreational activities. Scientific research devoted to solving the problems of education of moral and volitional qualities of pupils and students in the process of sports and health activities is highlighted. It is noted that the method of raising the determination of pupils and student youth in the process of physical education involved the use of a complex of effective: content (implementation of updated lessons on physical education (physical education classes), the use of types of sports and recreational activities (softball, handball, badminton, non-contact rugby, volleyball, football, basketball and others)); forms (individual physical culture and health exercises, group and collective physical education classes (mass physical culture events, competitions) with elements of manifestation of decisive actions); methods (interactive lectures, intellectual competitions, self-analysis and self-assessment, creating a situation of success (in physical education lessons and physical education lessons), accessibility, analogy, method of creative tasks, persuasion, approval, creating problem situations, encouragement, contests and others); pedagogical conditions (training of physical education teachers and physical education teachers for the implementation of the method of educating pupils and student youth with purposefulness; implementation of pedagogically appropriate content, types and methods of educating pupils and student youth with purposefulness in the process of physical education). sports and health orientation, organization of competitive activities, etc.)


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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1. Features of the formation of healthcare competence of higher education acquires;Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports);2024-03-18







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