The features of the educational and training process of young female basketball players upon the crisis phenomena


Melanchenko B.,Sushko R.


The article shows approaches to the organization of the educational and training process upon the crisis environment that require mastering the ability to meet the requirements of problematic conditions. The study aimed to determine the specifics of the educational and training process of young female basketball players upon crisis phenomena. The following research methods were used in the study: analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature sources and the Internet, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. 15 young female basketball players, temporarily displaced from Kyiv, Ukraine (the ‘Avangard’ sports complex) to continue the educational and training process in Valmiera, Latvia, were questioned using Google form. Questionnaire for determining the peculiarities of the organization of the educational and training process of young female basketball players upon the crisis environment consists of 30 questions. The organized questionnaire and interpretation of the results contributed to the study and comparison of the peculiarities of the training process of young female basketball players before the crisis, during the pandemic and during the war. The attitude of young female athletes to basketball, self-assessment of physical condition, peculiarities of priorities and the amount of load by type of training, the nature of problematic issues of training and competitive activity during crisis phenomena, positive and negative consequences of career development caused by the conditions of organization of the educational and training process were found out. The analysis of the answers given by the respondents contributed to the generalization of problematic issues of training young female basketball players, at the same time, allowed to identify modern approaches to the realization of the possibilities of the educational and training process upon the crisis phenomena.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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