Influence of parterre gymnastics on the formation of movement culture in young athletes 5-6 years old


Riabchenko O.


The article describes the influence of parterre gymnastics on the formation of the culture of movements in young sportswomen aged 5-6 years. An experimental technique was applied, which consisted of a complex of 8 basic exercises of parterre gymnastics: exercise "sun", exercise "fold", exercise "butterfly", exercise "accordion", exercise "scissors", exercise "frog", exercise "ring", exercise "shuttle". In order to determine the level of movement culture in girls, a system was used to evaluate the basic elements of rhythmic gymnastics, such as: "bouncing jump", "passe" balance, "free leg horizontally forward (bent)" turn, "full body wave" and "combination of dance steps". The level of performance of these elements was assessed on a 10-point scale. All the girls trained at the ETAR sports club, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. According to the results of the proposed methodology in the educational and training process, it was established that the use of parterre gymnastics exercises has a positive effect on the formation of movement culture and reliably increases the level of choreographic training of young female athletes.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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