Dynamics of psychophysiological indicators of athletes in pankration at the stage of specialized basic training in the annual cycle


Sogor Oleg,Semeryak Zoryana,Pityn Maryan,Okopnyy Andriy,Blazheiko Andrii


Changes in the rules increase the need for scientific substantiation of the training system structure and content at separate stages of long-term improvement in pankration. In the complex of factors to ensure the effectiveness of competitive activities in pankration an important role play manifestations of special athletes’ reactions, which manifested in situations of time choice for attack, counterattack or defensive actions, creating an optimal basis for technical and tactical actions and operational implementation. Purpose: to determine the dynamics of psychophysiological indicators of athletes in pankration at the stage of specialized basic training in the annual cycle under the influence of experimental and traditional programs of annual training. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; analysis of documentary materials; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. During November 2018 - October 2019, a formative pedagogical experiment was organized and conducted. It provided the introduction of the author's annual training program for athletes at the stage of specialized basic training in pankration. The control (21 athletes) and experimental (22 athletes) groups were formed. Pedagogical testing of psychophysiological indicators was conducted three times - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the pedagogical experiment. There were registered the reaction of choice, the reaction of distinction, the reaction to a moving object, the tapping test among the psychophysiological indicators. Results. The effect of the author's program gave the athletes of the experimental group the opportunity to significantly improve their psychophysiological characteristics: the reaction of choice by 2.77% (p = 0.05), the reaction of distinction - 2.51% (p,00.01), taping test – 15.56% (p≤0.01) compared with the beginning of the pedagogical experiment. For athletes of the control group also registered positive significant changes in separate psychophysiological tests - the reaction of choice by 1.09% (p = 0.01), the reaction of distinction - 1.39% (p = 0.03) and the results of the tapping test – 5.70% (p = 0.02). Conclusions. With the help of the experimental program it was possible to achieve an earlier deployment of adaptation processes to the specific physical load of training and competitive activities in pankration. At the same time, the generally accepted program made it possible to significantly improve indicators only after directed loads of longer duration.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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