Features of the distribution of students for «Physical education» by medical groups in the period of 2014-2022


Kravchenko K. G.


The results of the study of the peculiarities of the distribution of students for classes «Physical education» are presented on the example of the National Technical University «Dniprovsk Polytechnic» in the period 2014-2022. It is shown that in the period from 2014-2015 to 2018-2019 academic years, there was a steady trend to increase the number of students who have significant deviations in the state of health of a temporary or permanent nature, which do not interfere with studying at a higher education institution and have reservations about classes «Physical education». Including this category of students has an unsatisfactory level of functional capabilities and development of physical qualities. The maximum number of students enrolled in the special medical group was registered in 2018-2019. and consisted of 170 people. Next, 2019-2020 a sharp decrease in the number of students assigned to this group, up to 91 students, and an almost constant preservation of the trend over the course of three academic years, namely 101 and 93 students, is noted. The decrease in the number of students of preparatory and special medical groups in the period from 2019-2020 to 2021-2022 academic years is explained by the transition to distance education as a result of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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