Application of athletics equipment in sprinting training of rugby players


Fomenko Victoria,Yefremenko Andrii,Khmelyuk Oleksandr,Kolokolov Vitaliy,Krainyk Yaroslav,Zhoglo Volodymyr


Aim – to justify the use of athletics exercises in the sprint training of rugby players. Methods: theoretical methods of pedagogical research. Results and discussion. The modern game of rugby requires a player, regardless of his role and position on the field in the game, to be prepared to execute short, repetitive bursts of running at high intensity. It has been established that the structure of the sprint of rugby players is similar to the actions of a sprinter who has to perform a run from the start or an instant powerful acceleration in motion. The results of the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and pedagogical modeling showed that in order to improve the rugby player's sprinting performance, the physical training coach should include in the training program plyometric exercises, fast squats with a barbell, towing a sled and exercises aimed at improving the technique of sprinting. It is these practical and scientifically proven means in the field of athletics that determine the impact on the structure of sprinting abilities of rugby players, identical to the sprinting characteristics of a player on the field. Conclusions. It has been established that rugby players need the ability to perform powerful quick movements in accordance with the structure inherent in short-distance runners. Therefore, there is an opportunity to build a sprint training program using exercises and training methodology for short-distance runners. Sprinting exercises should be selected taking into account the powerful short sprints that are inherent in the actions of a rugby player during the game. At the same time, the need for readiness for their serial implementation should be taken into account. Therefore, it is promising to develop a methodology for applying elements of sprinter training in the construction of sprint training for rugby players.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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