Influence of recovery means on the functional condition of the cardiovascular system of greek-roman style fighters at the stage of preliminary basic training


Ievtushenko O.V.,Todorova V.G.


The ever-increasing competition among greco-roman wrestlers indicates the need to develop new tools and methods of sports training that would best meet the requirements set by the specifics of martial arts. Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of a set of restorative measures in greco-roman style wrestlers to improve their functional state of the cardiovascular system. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, empirical: calculation of Kerdo index, study of heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, stroke volume, minute volume of blood flow; pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. In wrestlers at rest after the application of a set of restorative measures, the studied indicators of central hemodynamics were within normal limits, and after standard exercise a rational response of the cardiovascular system was noted, which was marked by an increase in heart rate by 31.10 beats per minute (p˂0.05), increase in systolic blood pressure - by 11.33 mm Hg (p˂0.05), decrease in diastolic blood pressure - by 1.50 mm (p˂0.05), increase in stroke volume - by 8,80 ml (p˂0.05) and minute blood volume - by 3.09 l / min (p˂0.05). Results: as a result of the conducted experimental research the positive influence and expediency of application of a complex of restorative measures for improvement of mechanisms of adaptation of cardiovascular system to physical activity was shown. Conclusions: The results of the study indicate that the developed set of restorative measures contributed to the normalization of the functional state of the cardiovascular system and autonomic regulation of greco-roman style fighters, as well as activation of compensatory and adaptive mechanisms of long-term adaptation.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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