Adaptation of youth of student age to fitness


Hutsul Natalia,Madyar-Fazekash Emilia,Kubay Olesya,Krushelnytska Kateryna,Shekel Victor


Adaptation to fitness; is a complex multi-stage process that requires a complex of measures and the creation of optimal conditions to attract young people to regular fitness classes and make them a necessity for many years. As a result of the measurements, the level of adaptation is determined: complete "fitness adaptation" if the personality portrait fully fits into the structure of the young person's individuality; partial "adaptation to fitness", if the portrait of a young person partially fits into the personality structure; maladjustment, if the portrait of a young person does not fit into the structure of the personality of the individual, and as a result, the young person does not want to engage in fitness and continue the club card. The results of "fitness adaptation" depend on personal variables, life events and social support, as well as on the degree of inclusion in contacts and intergroup attitudes. In the "fitness adaptation of student youth" model developed by us, the staff of the fitness club actively contributes to the successful adaptation of youth to fitness. The author considers the following to be the main indicators of adaptation to fitness: assessment of well-being; physical fitness; activity in achieving goals; compatibility of the individual with the environment; optimism.The article tells the research results of youth fitness adaptation. Author created the “Fitness adaptation” model; scheme is shown in the article. The aim of work is theoretical and experimental development and test the “Fitness adaptation” model. The results prove that young people who have some knowledge in Physical Culture sphere go in for sport regularly and more adapted in life. The experiment took place at fitness club “Fanat” in Uzhhorod in December, 2021. It was held with surveys, students (16-23 years old) physical readiness results analysis. The results were as follows: full “fitness adaptation” 68%, part “fitness adaptation” 22% and 10% disadaptation.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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