The main provisions of the concept of physical culture and health classes in aquafitness with women of the first period of mature age


Miroshnichenko Viacheslav,Drachuk Serhii,Shvets Oksana,Andrii Kovalchuk


It has been proven that individuals of different somatotypes differ in the level of development of indicators of functional fitness. Significant differences in adaptive reactions of the body in individuals of different somatotypes to physical exertion were revealed. In our opinion, taking into account morphological features when conducting and planning physical culture and health classes is a reserve for increasing their effectiveness. The development of conceptual models of physical culture and health classes is designed to combine key theoretical and methodological provisions that will be used when programming classes. The following methods were used to develop a conceptual model of physical culture and health classes with aquafitness: theoretical analysis, synthesis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature, modeling. The development of the conceptual model was carried out by combining key theoretical provisions, generated by leading scientists with the data of scientific and methodological literature and the results of their own experimental research. These provisions are systematized and combined into a conceptual model, which is inherently a system of views on theoretical and methodological foundations which are intended to provide the maximum wellness effect from their use. The conceptual model proposed by us is intended to underlie training programs, the ultimate goal of which is to increase adaptive mechanisms in women of the first period of mature age.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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