Formation of professional competencies of future scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers in the field of physical culture


Omelchuk O.,Domina Zh.


Today, special attention should be paid to the problem of training future researchers and research and teaching staff in the field of physical education. In the process of postgraduate studies, the final formation of a scientist, research and teaching staff takes place: their professional qualities and skills, professional abilities and skills for the implementation of educational, methodological and scientific work in higher education institutions with a focus on European standards of higher education. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problem of forming the professional competence of future researchers and scientific and pedagogical workers in the field of physical culture. The main tasks are to carry out a content analysis of the literature on this issue, to consider ways to form the professional competence of future researchers and research and teaching staff in the field of physical education. It has been found, that the learning process involves obtaining a high level of multifunctional metacompetencies in the field of physical education; these are Soft Skills (creativity, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, stress resistance), Hard Skills (the basis of activity and professional skills), and Meta Skills (helps to learn new skills). Therefore, PhDs must be highly qualified and have in-depth knowledge of physical education. Among the main multifunctional meta-competencies that future researchers and research and teaching staff in the field of physical education should acquire in the process of training, we have identified: cognitive-intellectual, subject; motivational; language- communicative; design and research-innovation; pedagogical partnership; organizational; information and digital for communication, cooperation and professional development; reflective; inclusive; health-saving; evaluation and analytical.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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