Characteristics of the source base for the study of physical education of students in Romanian educational institutions


Tsybanyuk O.,Tsyba Y.,Nikolaichuk O.,Kovach Sh.


In the article O. Tsybanyuk, Y. Tsyba, O. Nikolaichuk, Sh. Kovacha "Characteristics of the source base for the study of physical education of students in Romanian educational institutions" five groups of sources are singled out and analyzed, in particular 1) archival documents that contain factual research material; 2) the sources of normative and legal guidance that regulated the formation and development of the system of physical education in Romanian educational institutions, determined its content and structure; 3) interpretative sources of a scientific and theoretical nature, which are devoted to the problem of the theory and practice of physical education of Romanian schoolchildren in a pedagogical retrospective; 4) documents of software and methodological support for the organization of physical education in educational institutions, which illustrated the development of the methodology and practice of school physical education and sports, the peculiarities of the training of specialists in this field. It was concluded that the use of the source-based approach and the historiographical analysis of the research problem made it possible to ascertain the presence of various sources on the topic of the development of physical education of schoolchildren in the countries of the world and Europe, in particular Romania, in different historical periods. Despite the significant work of scientists on the implementation of strategic planning programs in this field, the effectiveness of the implementation and organization of forms of physical education in educational institutions, a significant part of the work concerns either general issues of regulatory and legal regulation of physical activity of all segments of the population, or the specifics of training specialists and their improvement qualifications.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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