Sharafutdinova S.U.,Boyko G.L.,Kozlova T.G.
The purpose of the study was to clarify the views of the authors on the peculiarities of the development of endurance and the formation of students' awareness of such peculiarities in the process of physical education classes.
The subject discussion of the work is the disclosure of the need to consciously use the knowledge of the development of various physical abilities in the areas of sports, health and vocational training as the key foundations of the students' conscious perception of the features of using physical exercises.
Carrying out work tasks through the analysis of pedagogical literature, literature on physical culture and information from the Internet about the main features of the development of endurance through the use of physical exercises in sports, health and vocational training makes it possible to direct the educational directions of familiarizing students with the characteristics of training processes, enriching conscious experience use of means of physical culture. Such aspects should be considered the novelty of the research.
The conclusions point to the understanding of the contents defined by the topic, emphasize the views on the relevance of introducing into the educational process of practical physical education aspects of the activation of students' conscious perception of methodical features of endurance development through the improvement of self-control skills, planning of physical load through the study of the limits of functional indicators under the influence of physical exercises.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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