Development of leadership qualities in athletes by means of physical education


Farionov V. М.,Semenov A. S.,Koval A. V.,Dudnyk O. K.,Drahunov D. М.


The article raises the important issue of developing leadership qualities in athletes through physical education. It is emphasized that modern athletes must be able to make decisions, take responsibility, properly interact and communicate with other athletes, coaches, referees, work in a team and demonstrate leadership qualities. It is determined that a leader is a member of a group who has the necessary organizational skills, plays a central role in the structure of interpersonal relationships in the team and contributes to the organization and management of the group to achieve its goals. It is substantiated that the leadership qualities of a personality are manifested in the personal qualities that ensure effective leadership, namely: individual-personal and socio-psychological characteristics of a personality that influence the group and lead to the achievement of a common goal. It is emphasized that in order for the process of developing leadership qualities in athletes to be effective, the coach should work in tandem with a psychologist. The joint work of a coach and a psychologist can ensure the development of: individual psychological qualities of athletes, communicative and creative qualities, organizational and business qualities, social and group qualities. It is concluded that the state of development of the problem of leadership and development of leadership qualities in sportsmen by means of physical education has an insufficient level of research on this issue. The development of leadership qualities in athletes helps them to develop the ability to analyze their own strengths and weaknesses, set personal and professional goals and achieve them. Conducting leadership training, involving young people in decision-making, and implementing leadership education programs prepares athletes for leadership. Prospect for further research is the development and testing of a training program for the development of leadership qualities in athletes through physical education.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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