Khmelnitska Irene,Krupenya Svitlana,Zhivolovich Svitlana
Modern fitness programs require a special individual load as an optimal health-promoting preventive effect of physical activity. At the same time, the interaction of training effects from loads that differ in their nature can be negative. In this connection, a problem arises when an individual wants to develop several different physical qualities as much as possible at the same time. The research objective: to substantiate the effectiveness of fitness exercises on the motor readiness of women aged 23-33. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. 40 women aged 23-33, average age 28±1.3 years, took part in the study. The discussed issues of systematic fitness exerciseses contribute not only to increasing the level of muscle training and improving the condition of the cardiovascular system, but also help to gain confidence in one's own strength, improve the emotional background, and also gain good physical shape. In the training process, strength abilities, flexibility, and endurance were improved; the performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems increased. An effective training combination was considered to be two aerobic trainings and two statodynamic trainings per week. The duration of aerobic training should be 30-45 minutes, provided that ones are held on different days. A comfortable and effective training regimen that takes place on the threshold of comfort is when women feel the load, but at the same time breathe deeply through the nose and without shortness of breath. Fitness training can improve: health and mental state (minimize the risk of many diseases, increase the level of work capacity and activity); physical abilities (increase endurance, strength, flexibility) of women aged 23-33.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University