The question of implementation of the National strategy on health- improving motor activity of student youth in the context of today's challenges


Muntian Viktor,Poproshaiev Oleksandr


Goal. To determine the main issues of the effectiveness of the implementation of the National strategy for health improving physical activity of student youth in the context of the current challenges (in the conditions of martial law and post-war recovery). The analysis of legal acts and scientific and methodological literature has shown that the legal acts regulating physical education in educational institutions are adopted haphazardly and do not solve the problems of promoting physical activity, improving health and increasing the level of physical fitness of student youth; the management of educational institutions bypasses orders and letters regulating the activities of physical education departments, as they are advisory in nature and are not binding. This has led to the elimination of physical education departments in many higher education institutions across the country. The problems of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and physical activity have been significantly exacerbated by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. The duration of hostilities against russian aggression has revealed the problems of insufficient physical fitness of student youth, a potential reserve for the Armed Forces and defenders of the Motherland. Conclusions. State programmes under the National strategy for healthy physical activity and recommendations are not implemented due to their declarative nature and bureaucracy. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, together with other ministries and departments, should adopt an order obliging educational institutions to introduce appropriate physical training programmes aimed at preparing young people for future professional activities, life and defence of the Motherland, develop effective regulations and recommendations for their implementation, review standards and improve mechanisms for testing the level of physical fitness of student youth.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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