Infusion of individual style into the professional activity of a trainer


Maliar Eduard,Maliar Nelya,Gakh Roman,Bezpalova Natalia


This work analyzes the infusion of individual style into professional coaching activity, which consists of two mutually related components: directly sports activity (development of rocine bones, training and thorough This is a technical and tactical activity, the participation of both sides and the pedagogical activity of the coach as a mentor , teacher, teacher (influence on the formation of character, valuable attitudes, formation of specialness). In addition, the use of motor physical exercises should be considered only as material for the activity-practical dialogue of the coach and the athlete and act as a means of self-realization of the individual with the coach's main attention being directed to the development of the individual, as a single social and natural, spiritual and physical, and not only to the formation of the organism , as a system of impersonal physiological and biological mechanisms. In the process of research, an analysis of the content of coaching activities, which is carried out within the framework of physical culture and sports as an element of human culture as a whole; the main professional qualities and character traits of a coach are determined for obtaining a positive result when developing an individual style in one's professional activity (kindness and attentiveness to students, sociability, justice, honesty, principledness, hard work, sacrifice, professional talent, high morality, broad outlook and erudition, spiritual culture, optimism, emotional stability, competence, professionalism, endurance, perseverance, compassion, patience and kindness, creativity, intuition, sense of humor and others).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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