Results of factor analysis of indicators of physical condition of girls aged 7 - 17 years


Borуsova Yuliia,Horpynich Oleksii,Didkovskyi Oleksandr


The state of health of children is an integral indicator of the general well-being of society and one of the highest national values. Modern living conditions in Ukraine require a differentiated approach to the learning process, taking into account the specifics of the situation in Ukraine, the online mode of classes and other factors. Accordingly, the problem of precise task setting in physical education of schoolchildren is promising, which requires unified standards of physical fitness and model-target characteristics of children's physical condition. The purpose of the study is to determine, using factor analysis, the most significant indicators that affect the level of physical health of girls aged 7-17 years, to develop approaches to planning physical activity in physical education classes. The research was conducted in secondary schools No. 35, 66, 83 in Dnipro. To solve the tasks, 276 girls aged 7-17 studying in grades 1-11, who belong to the main medical group and do not play sports for health reasons, were involved in the pedagogical experiment. After the conducted factor analysis we made the following conclusions: the factor structure of physical condition of girls of 7-17 years old has its own peculiarities of morpho-functional development of children depending on age; the peculiarity of the factor structure of girls of almost all age groups is the location of physiological and anthropometric indicators in the most influential factors - I and II; motor indicators, being located next to anthropometric and functional ones, are in the factors that have a high influence on the total variance of the sample depending on age. Prospects for further research. The information obtained will be used to create differentiated tasks during physical education lessons and independent physical education and health classes.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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