Professional and applied physical training as the main type of military professional activity of cadets


Rymar O.,Zolochevskyi V.,Zonov O.,Matveiko O.,Tkachuk O.,Liudovyk T.,Danylishyn I.


Abstract. The readiness of the Armed Forces to repel the armed aggression of the Russian Federation is determined by many factors, one of which is the training of personnel. The activities of all military specialists, including physical training specialists, are aimed at ensuring a high level of personnel training. This is due to the fact that the development of physical qualities, formation and improvement of military-applied skills and abilities of servicemen is the key to successful combat operations. Physical readiness is the physical condition of a serviceman characterized by appropriate bodily development, certain functional resources of the body and the required level of motor fitness, which ensures the successful performance of combat missions for the purpose. Automation, computerization of military equipment and changes in the methods of warfare have led to a decrease in the share of physical effort in its control and muscle work in the structure of professional combat activity of servicemen in general, and at the same time increased the level of neuropsychological stress and tension, expanded the range of adverse factors of military combat activity. The connection between physical fitness and combat activity of servicemen of some military specialties has become hidden and indirect. Reforming educational institutions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine requires addressing global issues of improvement and finding new ways to solve the problems of vocational training of military personnel. The effective performance of cadets in educational institutions largely depends on their professional and applied training. One of the main tasks of teaching cadets the techniques and methods of ensuring professional and personal safety in emergency circumstances and in extreme conditions is to improve their firearms skills, as well as to increase the level of resistance to physical activity in training and service activities. The most important components of the professional skills of cadets of educational institutions are physical, professional and applied physical, psychological and firearms training. They belong to the cycle of professional disciplines and are designed to promote readiness for armed defense of the law, to maintain the constant readiness of future defenders to resolutely and skillfully stop illegal acts using physical force, special means and firearms.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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