The modern concept of the system of physical education in pre-school education institutions


Huliuk N. O.,Palʼchuk M. B.


The article focuses attention on modern approaches to the concept in the system of development of physical education of children in preschool education institutions in Ukraine and foreign countries of the world. The modern concept of the system of physical education in preschool education institutions is aimed at the comprehensive development of preschoolers, taking into account their emotional, physical and social needs The concepts presented in the article seek to stimulate the all-round development of children through various physical, psychological and social measures aimed at strengthening health and the formation of cognitive or motor skills for the educational process in the following school years. The approach to building physical education in preschool education institutions is argued Programs related to the physical development of preschoolers were analyzed in Ukraine. The actuality and expediency of the Concept are substantiated, its structure and the structure of its creation are given. The article focuses attention on modern approaches to the concept in the system of development of physical education of children in preschool education institutions in Ukraine and foreign countries of the world. The modern concept of the physical education system in preschool education institutions is aimed at the comprehensive development of preschoolers, taking into account their physical, emotional and social needs. The concepts presented in the article seek to stimulate the all-round development of children through various physical, psychological and social measures aimed at strengthening health and forming cognitive and motor skills for the educational process in later school years. The approach to building physical education in preschool education institutions in Ukraine is argued, programs related to the physical development of preschoolers are analyzed. The relevance and expediency of the Concept are substantiated, its structure and construction are given.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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