Methodology of teaching technical techniques to young football players at the stage of preliminary basic training


Karpa Ihor,Sukhnatskiy Marian,Lobasyuk Vitaliy,Gurskiy Andrii


The problem of researching the structure and content of the educational and training process of young football players is quite relevant at the current stage of football development which allows to optimize the training of athletes at various stages of long-term training. Effective management of sports training in football is inextricably linked with scientifically based system of conducting pedagogical control at all stages of multi-year training. The rational structure and content of the construction of the mesocycle of the educational and training process of young football players at the stage of preliminary basic training are justified in the research. The methodology for teaching technical techniques to young football players at the stage of preliminary basic training has been developed and experimentally tested. The use of control tests to evaluate the level of performance of technical techniques by young footballers at the stage of preliminary basic training is defined and characterized. The results of the research established that most players, namely 85.7% of young football players, improved the quality of performing technical techniques after the experiment. The obtained results of the study allow us to affirm the effectiveness of methodical approaches to training and improving the technical techniques of young football players at the stage of preliminary basic training.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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