Model characteristics of physical fitness of taekwondo players at the stage of basic training


Pashkov I.,Pyrozhenko O.


The purpose of the study was to study the characteristics of physical fitness and develop model characteristics of taekwondo athletes at the stage of basic training. The results. The analysis of the physical fitness of taekwondo athletes showed that the average indicators of physical fitness of taekwondo athletes at the stage of basic training of the 2nd year of training are better than those of athletes of the 1st year from 3.39 to 14.28%. The largest differences between the groups of 14.28% are observed in the pistol test for 30 s on the left leg and 11.56% - swing with the right leg forward for 15 s, and the smallest 3.51% in the 20 m s gait test. Statistically significant differences were established according to the Student's test t=2.25–2.68 at p <0.05, in tests: speed-power index (ratio of jump length to height) t=2.25; left leg swing forward in 15 s, t=2.33; swing with the right leg forward in 15 seconds, t=2.68. The model performance characteristics of flexibility tend to decrease in the range between the ideal and minimum values by 21.75% and 20.92% in the transverse split and longitudinal split tests for the left leg, respectively, but it is found that the indicators for the longitudinal split for the right leg differ by 0.29%


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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