Boyko G.N.,Kozlova T.G.,Sharafutdinova S.U.
The purpose of the work was to clarify the views of the authors on the preparation for a meaningful process of physical exercises of students of higher education through the methodical use of certain pedagogical technologies. In the process of carrying out the tasks of the research, the views of scientists on the medical features of preparing students for the conscious perception of the technological calculation of health-improving classes with physical exercises were clarified, the rationality of preparation for psychophysical training was substantiated.
The work presents a vision of the algorithmic order of student training (self-control - spectrum of classifications of physical exercises - characteristics of physical load) to the conscious perception of motor activity; it is emphasized that the condition of its success is the thematic proximity of the training process to the future professional activity (professional-applied physical training).
The novelty of the research should be considered the forms and methods proposed by the authors of introducing psychophysical training technologies into the generally accepted educational process of physical education of students (the use of relaxing exercises with the simultaneous understanding of the dynamics of muscle loads as an influence on the functions of one's body through self-suggestion and analysis of the dynamics of functional and psychological states. In the vision scientists, in conditions of extremity of the military situation and psychological tensions, the development of such educational areas is relevant.
The conclusions generalize the algorithmic sequence of preparing students for the conscious performance of physical exercises considered in the publications of the authors of scientific and pedagogical literature (formation of self-control skills; mastering the knowledge of classification characteristics of physical exercises, characteristics of physical load; mastering technologies to coordinate the proportions of volume, intensity and nature of rest); emphasize the urgent need to prepare for the use of psychophysical training exercises as methods of relieving emotional tension.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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