Physical training - as one of the main components of military professional activity of a law enforcement officer


Romanchuk S.,Lesko O.,Homaniuk S.,Shevtsiv U.,Lashta V.,Tkachuk O.,Shevchenko O.


The effectiveness of the performance of official tasks by law enforcement officers depends to a large extent on how well they are prepared for this activity. Among the numerous areas of professional training, one of the most important is the physical training of law enforcement officers. This is due to the diversity of tasks performed, including countering offenders and criminals, stopping their activities, bringing them to law enforcement agencies and detaining them. The article deals with the role of physical training in the military and professional activities of law enforcement officers of Ukraine. The military professional activity of law enforcement officers takes place against the background of heavy loads under the influence of environmental stress factors, and constant interaction with citizens and representatives of the criminal environment requires a wide variety of skills. The author reveals a direct correlation between the presence of developed physical qualities and successful professional activity. In addition, the most important element of professional training of law enforcement officers is service and combat training, which includes physical training. The peculiarity of physical training is the performance of specially designed exercises, as well as in-depth study of combat fighting techniques. The author determines the dependence of physical fitness and ensuring personal and social security of a law enforcement officer, his/her psychophysical performance and professional capacity.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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