Bruxism as a marker of Violation of psychological Adaptation in Computer game players


Sidorova Alla I.1,Lyashenko Lila I.1,Pavlenkova Elena V.1,Pavlenkо Svetlana A.1,Lobach Larysa M.1


1. Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine


Aim: To study the relationship between the psycho-emotional state of computer game players with the development of bruxism, its early diagnosis in people at risk, increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures in people with this pathology. materials and methods: At the first stage of the study, a survey of 120 people (85 - men, 35 - women) aged 18 - 30 years was conducted. The computer club was chosen as the place of the poll. The questionnaire is represented by questions that were aimed at identifying clinical manifestations of bruxism. Also, the subjects were asked to take an automated FPI test to assess the psycho-emotional state. In the second stage of the study, according to the results, the main group of patients with bruxism was identified. It consisted of 68 people aged 18-30 years (50 – men, 18 – women). The control group of people consisted of 20 volunteers (10 – women, 10 – men), who did not show clinical manifestations of bruxism and temporomandibular joint dysfunction and who do not play computer games. Results: According to a survey of 120 people aged 19-29, who often play computer games, it was found that 48.33% had bruxism. In 96.55% of the analysis of the FPI test revealed signs of mental distress. In the control group, the results of FPI in most indicators were average. Conclusions: The prevalence of bruxism among young people who play computer games was 48.33%, which is associated with psycho-emotional distress of this category of people: increased neuroticism, sudden aggression, depression, irritability and emotional lability. Diagnosis by questionnaire allows to detect manifestations of the disease in the early stages of development.



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