The aim: Purpose of the study. Our research is aimed at the increase in the treatment effectiveness for combined pathology, namely, arterial hypertension (AH) and post-COVID syndrome in elderly patients at the stage of providing medical care by family medicine general practitioners with the use of statins, anti¬platelet agents, as well as endothelial-protective drug – L-arginine and anxiolytic effect – mebicar against the background of basic antihypertensive therapy.
Materials and methods: The study included treatment and observation of 50 elderly patients with hypertension and post-COVID syndrome. The average age was 68.7±1.89 years.
Results: The use of mebicar with moderate tranquilizing (anxiolytic) effect and endothelium-protector – L-arginine in the comprehensive treatment of elderly patients with combined pathology – AH and post-COVID syndrome contributed to the elimination of the main clinical symptoms (headache, poor sleep) in a shorter time; provided significant decrease in the level of systolic blood pressure, reactive anxiety, the decrease in total blood cholesterol, and improvement in blood rheology.
Conclusions: Treatment optimization for combined pathology – arterial hypertension and post-COVID syndrome in elderly patients with the use of L-arginine and mebicar in comprehensive treatment, improves the quality of patients’ life, reduces the treatment duration.
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