The current study aimed at investigating the most common translation problems that students of the additional professional education program “Translator for specific purpose” of Kazan Federal University had while translating texts on business and economics from Russian into English. To fulfill the aim of the research 61 participants were given authentic materials from periodicals for translation. The texts contained lexical - phraseological features that belong to the most common difficulties in translation: economic terms, non-equivalent vocabulary, neologisms, idioms, euphemisms, abbreviations. The findings of the study showed that the students have good understanding of translating the main economic terms and know the techniques in translating. The biggest challenge they faced were connected with translating idioms and faux friends. Neologisms seemed to be not difficult but quite challenging. Interviews that followed the translation tasks helped to identify perspective translators’ subjective difficulties and techniques they tackled them. The data obtained from the participants’ answers could provide profound information for syllabus design.