Throughout this discussion R will be an integral domain with quotient field Q and K = Q/R ≠ 0. If A is an R-module, then A is said to be torsion-free (resp. divisible), if for every r ≠ 0 ∈ R the endomorphism of A defined by x → rx, x ∈ A, is a monomorphism (resp. epimorphism). If A is torsion-free, the rank of A is defined to be the dimension over Q of the vector space A ⊗R Q; (we note that a torsion-free R-module of rank one is the same thing as a non-zero R-submodule of Q). A will be said to be indecomposable, if A has no proper, non-zero, direct summands. We shall say that A has D.C.C., if A satisfies the descending chain condition for submodules. By dim R we shall mean the maximal length of a chain of prime ideals in R.
Canadian Mathematical Society
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28 articles.