The algebra of bounded analytic functions on the open unit disk D, usually written H∞ i is a commutative Banach algebra under the supremum norm. Since its compact maximal ideal space M (space of complex homomorphisms) is an extension space of the unit disk, there must be a continuous mapping form βD, the Stone-Čech compactification of D, onto M. R. C. Buck has remarked (4), that this mapping fails to be one-one, in the light of a classical theorem of Pick. If the points of βD are represented by filters of subsets of D, we can identify those filters which are sufficiently close in terms of the hyperbolic metric on D in an attempt to get a one-one correspondence between filters and points of M.
Canadian Mathematical Society
Cited by
9 articles.
1. Chapter V–Spaces of Bounded Holomorphic Functions;Saks Spaces and Applications to Functional Analysis;1987
2. Nonmetrizable conformally invariant compactifications of a planar region;Siberian Mathematical Journal;1987
3. Local normality of a meromorphic function and a Picard type theorem;Kyoto Journal of Mathematics;1986-01-01
4. Chapter V - Spaces of Bounded Holomorphic Functions;Saks Spaces and Applications to Functional Analysis;1978
5. Refrences;Introduction to The Theory of Infinitesimals;1976