Classification of Demushkin Groups


Labute John P.


A pro-p-group G is said to be a Demushkin group if(1)dimFp H1(G, Z/pZ) < ∞,(2)dimFp H2(G, Z/pZ) = 1,(3)the cup product H1(G, Z/pZ) × H1(G, Z/pZ) → H2(G, Z/pZ) is a non-degenerate bilinear form. Here FP denotes the field with p elements. If G is a Demushkin group, then G is a finitely generated topological group with n(G) = dim H1(G, Z/pZ) as the minimal number of topological generators; cf. §1.3. Condition (2) means that there is only one relation among a minimal system of generators for G; that is, G is isomorphic to a quotient F/(r), where F is a free pro-p-group of rank n = n(G) and (r) is the closed normal subgroup of F generated by an element rF9 (F, F); cf. §1.4.


Canadian Mathematical Society


General Mathematics

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2. Higher dimensional algebraic fiberings for pro-p groups;Canadian Journal of Mathematics;2023-12-22

3. Oriented Right-Angled Artin Pro-ℓ Groups and Maximal Pro-ℓ Galois Groups;International Mathematics Research Notices;2023-11-22

4. Groups of p-absolute Galois type that are not absolute Galois groups;Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra;2023-04

5. Mild pro-p groups and the Koszulity conjectures;Expositiones Mathematicae;2022-09







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