1. Kyzylorda pedagogical higher college named after M. Mametova
2. Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University
This article discusses the issues of digital socialization in detail. In addition, the analysis of ways and effective ways of support and protection of children and adolescents in modern information space was carried out, the behavior formed in the course of digital socialization was determined, and an algorithm for determining the types of internet users was proposed. The results of the sociological study allow us to formulate working hypotheses about the various effects of digital socialization on modern students. The results of the study can be used in the formation of strategic plans for the development of the digital sphere and educational policies. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of a new methodological solution for use in the process of generalizing the socializing influence of the internet environment. The practice was proved by the types of questionnaires, tests, the Kyzylorda higher pedagogical college named after M. Mametova.
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