Abubakar Rahmi Widia Aliani
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan pemerintah Jawa Barat dalam upaya pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah dimasa Pandemi Covid-19. Terdapat 9 skala prioritas kebijakan diantaranya adalah (1) Akses pendidikan untuk semua; (2) Desentralisasi layanan kesehatan; (3) Pertumbuhan ekonomi umat berbasis inovasi; (4) Pengembangan destinasi dan infrastruktur pariwisata; (5) Pendidikan agama dan tempat ibadah juara; (6) Infrastruktur konektivitas wilayah; (7) Gerakan Membangun Desa (Gerbang Desa); (8) Subsidi gratis golongan ekonomi lemah; dan (9) Inovasi pelayanan publik dan penataan daerah.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitiancase studies, dimana 9 kebijakan pemerintah dianalisis dengan melihat realisasi pelaksanaan kebijakan pemerintah dilapangan. Data diperoleh dari RKPD yang dipaparkan dalam acara BAPPEDA Jabar. Hasil penelitian yang dicapai melalui analisis kualitatif meliputi keselarasan kebijakan pemerintah dengan praktek dilapangan. AbstractThis study aims to analyze the policies of the West Java government in an effort to grow the regional economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are 9 policy priority scales including (1) Access to education for all; (2) Decentralization of health services; (3) The economic growth of the people based on innovation; (4) Development of tourism destinations and infrastructure; (5) Religious education and places of worship are champions; (6) Regional connectivity infrastructure; (7) Village Building Movement (Village Gate); (8) Free subsidies for weak economic groups; and (9) Public service innovation and regional arrangement. This research uses a qualitative approach with case studies research methods, where 9 government policies are analyzed by looking at the realization of the implementation of government policies in the field. The data was obtained from the RKPD which was presented at the West Java BAPPEDA event. The research results achieved through qualitative analysis include the alignment of government policies with practice in the field.
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