Collaboration Among Stakeholders in Efforts to Control Peatland Ecosystem Damage to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)


Wiharja PoppyORCID,Supriyono BambangORCID,Said AbdullahORCID,Hermawan


Introduction: The government's efforts to control peatland ecosystem damage are a corrective measure to improve management systems in peatland areas. This case study focuses on the KHG Kampar River – Gaung River and KHG Gaung River – Batangtuaka River in Riau Province. These locations were chosen due to their representation of peatland ecosystem restoration activities from 2017 to 2022.   Theoretical Review: Hajer and Wagenaar (2003: 33-37) explain in more detail that deliberative policy is an approach in the public decision-making process that focuses on deep discussion and reflection of various views and approaches before reaching a final decision. This approach involves the active participation of various stakeholders or citizens in decision-making. Collaborative policy dialogue is an alternative approach in policy-making that is becoming increasingly relevant in the Information Age due to technological changes and globalization.   Methods: Using a systematic qualitative methodology, this study adopts a descriptive approach to describe field phenomena.   Result and Discussion: This study identifies stakeholders, their involvement, and the impact of their collaboration and synergy. Stakeholder collaboration is crucial for addressing peatland ecosystem management issues in these areas. The collaborations include interactions between central and local governments (provincial and district), the government and the private sector, and the government and local communities.   Conclusion: Successful stakeholder collaboration has supported the region's sustainable development goals (SDGs). Four pillars were achieved in the efforts to control peatland ecosystem damage: the social pillar, the economic pillar, the environmental pillar, and the governance pillar.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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