Spectrum: Speedy and Strictly-Deterministic Smart Contract Transactions for Blockchain Ledgers


Chen Zhihao1,Yang Tianji1,Zheng Yixiao1,Zhang Zhao1,Jin Cheqing1,Zhou Aoying1


1. East China Normal University


Today, blockchain ledgers utilize concurrent deterministic execution schemes to scale up. However, ordering fairness is not preserved in these schemes: although they ensure all replicas achieve the same serial order, this order does not always align with the fair, consensus-established order when executing smart contracts with runtime-determined accesses. To preserve ordering fairness, an intuitive method is to concurrently execute transactions and re-execute any order-violating ones. This in turn increases unforeseen conflicts, leading to scaling bottlenecks caused by numerous costly aborts under contention. To address these issues, we propose Spectrum, a novel deterministic execution scheme for smart contract execution on blockchain ledgers. Spectrum preserves the consensus-established serial order (so-called strict determinism) with high performance. Specifically, we leverage a speculative deterministic concurrency control to execute transactions in speculation and enforce an agreed-upon serial order by aborting and re-executing any mis-speculated ones. To overcome the scaling bottleneck, we present two key optimizations based on speculative processing: operation-level rollback and predictive scheduling, for reducing both the overhead and the number of mis-speculations. We evaluate Spectrum by executing EVM-based smart contracts on popular benchmarks, showing that it realizes fair smart contract execution by preserving ordering fairness and outperforms competitive schemes in contended workloads by 1.4x to 4.1x.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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