Attribute verbalisation of the concept ‘blood’ in M. Tsvetaeva's texts


Gubanov S. A.1


1. IMI University of Samara


The relevance of the article is connected with the application of the cognitive-semantic method of analysing epithet paradigmatics in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts. The aims and objectives are connected to the study of the idiostyle specificity of the attribute verbalisation of the conceptual meaning ‘blood’ in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts, in the course of which the role of epithetisation in the individual style system of the poet under study is revealed, the semantic content of this concept in the texts of M. Tsvetaeva, as well as the types of epithet words that verbalise this meaning. On the basis of cognitive-semantic, component, lexicographic and lexical-semantic, as well as statistical methods of analysis, the attribute verbalisation of the concept ‘blood’ in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts is analysed. The comparison of the characteristic nomination was carried out on the basis of the ‘Dictionary of Epithets of the Russian Literary Language’ and M. Tsvetaeva’s texts. The considered types of epithet words that verbalise the attribute nomination of blood in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts made it possible to record a minor coincidence of the qualitative attributes of this object of epithetisation with usage, while the majority of epithet words demonstrate non-usual lexical compatibility. The idiolect epithet paradigm is represented by emotional and psychological characteristics; among the structural and morphological types of epithets, simple adjectival and substantive ones lead. It has been proven that the specificity of the attribute verbalisation of ‘blood’ is associated with the anthropomorphic semantics of this concept as the focus of the essence of the personality, its character. Attributive verbalisation of the qualitative characteristics of an object is one of the peculiarities of M. Tsvetaeva’s individual style. The usual attributes of the concept ‘blood’ as a person’s temperament and vital activity are preserved, but there is a clear tendency towards an occasional interpretation of the signs are realised in its idiolect, but are subject to the author’s reflection and rethought. The i dentification o f a new feature of the c oncept occurs based on the s ubjective perception of reality, awareness of its significance for the author. The qualitative characteristics of the subject, his inner world is one of the dominant features of M. Tsvetaeva’s language.


North-Eastern Federal University

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