Giovani con background migratorio. Percorsi di multiculturalità nella scuola italiana


Afferni Raffaella1ORCID


1. Università del Piemonte Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici


Young People with Migrant Background: Multicultural Paths in Italian School. Migration is an import field of geographical analysis. The article focuses on the paths of multiculturalism within the Italian educational model. In particular, the author will propose some considerations about children with a migrant background (both nationals and non-nationals) distribution among the different degrees of education. These issues provide an overview of the presence of pupils across the country and the characteristics of the families of origin. Finally, the document explores opportunities and constraints associated with current dynamics and shows the difficulties in learning that migrant children face in school and highlights how influences the integration of a significant and structural component of the population can take place.


Led Edizioni Universitarie


General Medicine

Reference52 articles.

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