La parola agli studenti! Un’esperienza di Focus Group a scuola sul tema della lettura nell’ambito della politica educativa «Leggere: Forte! Ad alta voce fa crescere l’intelligenza»


De Carlo Maria1,Castellani Aurora1,Corrieri Lia1,Mattiacci Giulia1,Batini Federico1


1. University of Perugia


The Floor To The Students! A Focus Group Experience At Schoool On The Subject Of Reading As Part Of The Educational Policy «Leggere: Forte! Ad Alta Voce Fa Crescere L’Intelligenza»  This descriptive survey, conducted as part of «Leggere: Forte! Ad alta voce fa crescere l’intelligenza» an educational policy promoted by Region of Tuscany to introduce intensive and systematic reading aloud by teachers in schools of all levels, aims to explore how exposure to reading aloud influences students’ perceptions toward reading itself. 16 Focus Groups were conducted in Primary and Secondary Schools both with adhering (LF) and not-adhering (NLF) classes to the «Leggere: Forte!» policy. Data analysis included a triangular categorization of the transcribed corpus among three independent researchers and an in-epth investigation of emotional-affective evidence, using Mood Meter (Brackett, Caruso, & Stern, 2006; Nathanson et al., 2016) as a reference model. The study showed differences in category occurrences between LF and NLF groups. Emotional mapping analysis, in particular, found a significantly larger expressed emotional repertoire in LF classes. The evidence suggests that exposure to narrative training promotes the acquisition of greater emotional competence, a relevant variable for academic success.


Led Edizioni Universitarie


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education,Social Psychology

Reference45 articles.

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2. Bartolucci, M., & Batini, F. (2020). Reading aloud narrative material as a means for the student’s cognitive empowerment. Mind, Brain, and Education, 14(3), 235-242.

3. Batini, F. (2021). Un anno di «Leggere: Forte!» in Toscana. L’esperienza di una ri­­cerca-azione. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

4. Batini, F. (2022). Lettura ad alta voce. Ricerche e strumenti per educatori, insegnanti e genitori. Roma: Carocci.

5. Batini, F., & Bartolucci, M. (2019). La promozione del benessere scolastico e l’empowerment cognitivo degli studenti attraverso la lettura ad alta voce. Una sperimentazione nazionale. Paper presented at the Well-being in Education Systems, Locarno.







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