1. Aladdin. Directed by Guy Ritchie. Walt Disney Pictures, 2019.
2. Atkinson, Sarah, and Helen Kennedy. “Introduction – Inside-the-Scenes: The Rise of Experiential Cinema.” Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, 2016, pp. 139–51.
3. Audissino, Emilio. “Film Music and Multimedia: An Immersive Experience and a Throwback to the Past.” Jahrbuch Immersiver Medien 2014: Sounds, Music & Soundscapes, 2014, pp. 46–55. https://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/18178.
4. Beauty and the Beast. Directed by Bill Condon, Walt Disney Pictures, 2017.
5. Cinderella. Directed by Kenneth Branagh, Walt Disney Pictures, 2015.