A brief of critical care education in Cambodia


Krouch Sophallyda1,Chhuoy Meng2,Sourn Samith3,Ngeth Pathy2,Soeur Khemry2,So Saphy4,Ku No3,Tan Sokhak5,Chhor Nareth2


1. Sonja Kill Memorial Hospital and Kampot Provincial Referral Hospital

2. Calmette Hospital, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

3. Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

4. Cambodia-China Friendship Preah Kossamak Hospital, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

5. University of Health Sciences, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Cambodia's population is 16,7 million people (2020). From 1975 to 1979, Cambodia experienced a horrendous genocide; therefore, the country started to reconstruct from beginning. Health is a significant topic and priority in development. The healthcare system in Cambodia is undergoing reform. Currently, only one large public university provides postgraduate training in critical care medicine as part of a residency in anesthesiology, critical care, and emergency medicine. The combination of three skills would enable the nation to achieve its requirements despite limited resources. National and international educational collaboration in Cambodia encourages greater treatment for the critically ill, often as part of emergency medicine or anesthetic programs. In order to handle the magnitude of critical care medical difficulties, Cambodia's critical care medicine requires undergo significant improvement. Education should be the primary emphasis of this area's growth.


The Thai Society of Critical Care Medicine

Reference4 articles.

1. World Bank. Population, total - Cambodia. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=KH, 2020. [Accessed on June 15, 2022).

2. World Bank. Cambodia: Reducing Poverty and Sharing Prosperity. https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2019/10/30/cambodia-reducing-poverty-and-sharing-prosperity, 2019. [Accessed on June 15, 2022).

3. Albert, T.J. et al. Bolstering medical education to enhance critical care capacity in Cambodia. 2015. 12(4): p. 491-497.

4. Sophallyda Krouch, et al. History, Current Situation and Challenges of Anesthesia in Cambodia. The World Anaesthesia News, October 2020. 20(Number 1): p. 16-18.








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