Reviewing the development of geodynamics and geodesic methods for solving geodynamic tasks


Mazurov B.T.1ORCID,Kaftan V.I.2ORCID


1. Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

2. RAS Geophysical Center


Studying the Earth involves estimation of temporal changes of its shape and gravity field. Among the methods that can be used to solve this task, an important place is taken by the geodetic one. A scientific explanation and experimental study of geodynamics began in the 19th century. Many scientists drew attention to the variability of the Earth as a planet in general and its surface. Several different hypotheses explaining surface changes by underlying processes arose. Some ideas, hypotheses and the history of their creation are reviewed in this article. But, changes in the surface and surrounding field of gravity are possible as a result of the activities of human society, it is called technogenic geodynamics. The main reason is developing mineral resources. This concerns to both surface (quarries) and underground (mines for ore extraction, oil and gas production) subsoil use facilities. Thus, the study of geodynamics is an urgent scientific and practical task.


FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI


Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics

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