Is ‘regular’ migration a safer form of migration? The case of Asia


Foley Laura1,Piper Nicola1


1. Centre at the University of Sydney


This paper examines one key feature of intra-regional migration in Asia: irregularity, and it does so beyond the typical focus on irregular entry by highlighting ‘irregularity in regularity’, that is irregularity as the result of extremely rigidly designed legal pathways for migration. Our analysis, thus, focuses on the wider policy infrastructure that centres upon securitisation and managerialism, with the result of a high incidence of irregularity. We illustrate these dynamics in relation to labour migration, i.e. the hiring and working conditions of migrant workers. In doing so, this paper seeks to challenge the conventional discourse about irregular migration by showing how the line between regular and irregular migration is blurred and often the result of irregular practices by other actors and, thus, beyond the direct control of migrants. In particular, we analyse how the temporary labour migration schemes deployed in Asia and the decent work deficits facing migrant workers employed via these schemes, are the key source of irregularity. We end by suggesting that more attention should be paid to regulating abusive practices by employers and recruiters instead of criminalising migrants.


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