The structure of traumatic brain injury in the city of Rostov-on-Don during the new coronavirus infection COVID 19


Efremov V. V.1,Balyazin-Parfenov I. V.1,Papazova A. V.1,Magomedova A. Y.1,Hantimeryan E. M.1


1. Rostov State Medical University


Objective: to study the frequency and structure of traumatic brain injury in the pre-ovoid, covid and post-ovoid periods in Rostov-on-Don.Materials and methods: to study the frequency and structure of traumatic brain injury in three years from 2019 to 2021 (in the pre-ovoid, covid and post-ovoid periods) according to the neurosurgical department and the department of combined trauma of the Emergency Medical Hospital No. 2 in Rostov-on-Don. Data processing using the IBM SPSS Statictic program version 26.0 using the χ2-Pearson criterion, in pairwise a posteriori comparative analysis, the χ2-Pearson criterion with Yates correction and likelihood correction were used. If the significance level is p<0.05, the differences are statistically significant.Results: in the pre-crisis period (2019), household trauma prevailed, the total number of hospitalized with TBI was 1,322. Of these, concussions accounted for 71%, brain contusions accounted for 28%, diffuse brain injury — 1%, street injury — 6.9%, transport injury — 6.81% and intentional injury — 24.1%. In the covid period (2020), the total number of patients admitted to the department decreased by 24%. The structure of the injury remained unchanged (concussions in 70% of cases, brain contusions in 28%, diffuse brain injury in 2%). In 2021 (completion of covid restrictions), the number of inpatient patients with TBI remained reduced (by 23%), the ratio of concussions, bruises, diffuse brain injuries remained the same.Conclusions: during the period of social isolation, there was a decrease in the number of hospitalized with TBI, which coincides with global indicators. The end of the restrictions associated with the pandemic is also characterized by a decrease in the number of patients admitted to the hospital with TBI. At the same time, a decrease in the ratio of the number of hospitalizations to the total number of deaths from head injury in 2019 and 2020 should be taken into account. from 19.83 to 14.98 in the Rostov region (according to the Federal State Statistics Service on the number of deaths from head injuries in 2019-2020), which reflects the level of accessibility of medical care. There was also a significant decrease in household, street, transport, school, sports and intentional types of TBI (p<0.05), while occupational injuries and trauma, the circumstances of which are unknown, did not significantly differ from the pre-pandemic indicators. Taking into account these results will improve the organization of emergency and emergency medical care for patients with TBI.


Rostov State Medical University

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