Bisphenol a (BPA) is an industrial chemical that use in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Recently, BPA has been received increased attention because of its high production volume, widespread applications and possible health effects. General population are mainly exposed orally to BPA through consumption of food and water stored in containers with BPA. In contrast, in occupational settings workers are exposed to BPA through inhalation of BPA dust particles. This review discusses the controversial of the current findings according to in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological studies. BPA exposure is associated with multi-organ toxicity including reproductive, developmental, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. In order to protect the environmental and human health, numerous scientific bodies and regulatory agencies developed to keep the BPA exposure within the safe level. The various adverse health effect of BPA lead to development of alternatives with less harmful effect. However, the safety of the alternatives is not fully verified. To conclude, the current restrictions and limitations on use of BPA has reduced potential exposure and consequently possible health effect. However, still there are several unanswered questions regarding to the exact toxic effects, metabolism and fate of BPA on human and environmental health.
Eurasian Journal of Toxicology, Emergency Physicians Association of Turkey
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