Digital crimes: concept, typology, signs


Perina A. S.


The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical provisions on the concept of crimes committed using computer, digital and other technologies. The study is an analysis of scientific approaches of scientists, the provisions of international documents, legislation of the Russian Federation to the terms that denote the criminal use of digital technologies in the commission of crimes. In addition, the article contains approaches to the typology of the group of crimes under consideration. The author focuses on the lack of a single concept that reflects the essence of crimes committed using modern technologies in the analyzed legal acts and the theory of criminal law. The article as a result of the research contains an indication of the need to create and apply the generalizing concept of there is, since modern technologies are rapidly being incorporated into the mechanism of committing crimes. The author suggests the term «digital crimes» and designates its advantages. The article also contains signs of the specified group of crimes and the author’s typology of digital crimes.


Samara National Research University

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